Better Late Than Never
Better Late Than Never
On July 25th, 2024, President Biden finally signed the Federal Prison Oversight Act that passed both the House and the Senate.
Politicians make the American people so many promises during their campaigns and rarely get around to doing anything they promised. President Biden spent nearly 4 years just trying to figure out how to buy more votes by forgiving school loans to millions of people that knowingly signed loan papers to go to school and most of them never even finished.
The majority drop out or just quit and now it is up to the taxpayers to pay their debt.
Three months before election time even though President Biden has dropped out of the race, he finally signed the Federal Prison Oversight Act into law, and you know his motive was just to make Kamala Harris look good since she is now the Democratic pick to run for President.
I just want to see how long it takes them to assign a neutral party to listen to complaints and then I want to see how long it takes to get things fixed and in order after a complaint.
Is it going to be the same corrupt system covering for each other and nothing about any of this is going to get done while people continue to die in federal prison from abuse, lack of proper medical care and the poor diets we are forced to eat and remain unhealthy?
People live like river rats in most of the federal prisons and it makes me think that it should all be turned over to the United States Department of Agriculture Animal Plant Inspection Service since the requirements to keep a non-human primate in a zoo has higher standards then a human primate in Federal Prison.
The Director of the BOP should be held criminally responsible for any death due to neglect or abuse in the BOP System and holding people in solitary confinement without proper care.
All we can do is keep complaining until someone listens. But I guess this is a start to trying to fix a problem long overdue.
Joe Exotic
FMC Fort Worth
Reg 26154-017
PO Box 15330
Fort Worth, TX 76119