Jeff Lowe of Tiger King

My zoo was built with blood and sweat form a lot of people with a good heart.

Then came a couple conmen named Jeff Lowe and James Garrettson that turned that zoo into a criminal enterprise and a cover for their criminal activities 

We all watched Jeff and Lauren Lowe stalk customers, school kids getting graduation photos, and even their moms at one time.  They would lure them to their cabin with baby tigers for sex.

I watched them for hours sit on Facebook and Instagram and lure young girls to the zoo using cubs and or a job and drugging them for sex. It was disgusting and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Jeff Lowe would sit for hours on his computer just looking at nude women, stalking girls online. He and James would sit for hours setting up fake accounts under stolen identities and buying tens of thousands of dollars' worth of stuff to sell it out of James store in Ardmore or in Vegas at the houses they have under fake names.

Myself, Allen, and Rink and the others all witnessed them bringing a girl form Vegas to the zoo, picked her up at the airport, and she turned out to be a little old Asian lady doing the exact same thing as they were. 

So, they went through her bags at night and found a book of over 75 young Asian girls she was sex trafficking in Vegas. Then Jeff stood right on the front porch of the office and blackmailed her into letting him in on it and he and Lauren went to Vegas and James is who got all the fake IDs with his photo on them to rent the houses and get the loans in other people's names.

My attorneys have all of the recordings, photos, texts, and everything to prove what I am saying, and it has all been sent to the Attorney General, FBI and the US Attorney on my case.  My appeal judges have approved the use of this new evidence and their confessions to perjury. 

Some certain people are going to be surprised soon when they receive their subpoenas to testify.

Justice Department Files Complaint against Jeffrey Lowe and Tiger King LLC for Violations of the Endangered Species Act and the Animal Welfare Act: Docketed Lowe Complaint

Full meeting between Agent Bryant and Jeff Lowe

Lengthy Discussion between Jeff Lowe and Special Agent Matt Bryant

Jeff Lowe Records Agent Bryant

Matt Bryant visits Jeff Lowe, discusses investigation jokes about Allen

Tiger Tales: A Long and Winding Conversation Between Jeff and Lauren Lowe

Tiger Tales: Jeff & Lauren Lowe of Tiger King verbally abuse John Finlay's child while claiming fake videos exist

Tiger Tales: The Lowes Fight About Rape Allegations


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,,jeff lowe tiger king mexico

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,,jeff lowe lansing

Jeff Lowe begging James for credit card and Wayfair scheme

Jeff Lowe lives for appearing on TV; this time involving the Knievel family.

Jeff Lowe talks about Joe's niece Chelsi Putnam paid by Tiger King producer Eric Goode

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