Chimp Crazy- Tiger King Director Fake Documentary
Chimp Crazy- Tiger King Director Fake Documentary
Chimp Crazy by director Eric Goode was filmed with an end goal in mind.
It is an unethical documentary and smear campaign to target all responsible animal caretakers in collaboration with PETA to pass the Primate Safety Act.
People are very misled about primates in captivity, they are very loved and cared for. Never has anyone been killed by a primate in the United States nor has there ever been a case of rabies.
Primates are loved in homes far better than you are led to believe they are. As you can see in the primate youtube video below- all of these primates are happy and spoiled.
Chimp Crazy, the documentary by Tiger King director Eric Goode is another attempt to smear all loving responsible animal owners in collaboration with PETA to pass the Primate Safety Act.
I have lost my entire life all over perjury, lies, crooked cops, and the political agenda of the Big Cat Safety Act that benefits few and creates a monopoly and requires membership fees.
However, Tiger King was a FAKE documentary where producer Eric Goode paid witnesses and manipulated evidence to put me in prison with the intention of passing the Big Cat Safety Act. (see video here)
When you finally hear the evidence of people being paid to keep the Tiger King story on their agenda, you will be so let down never believing another documentary ever again.
Last thing, we have proof of the government witnesses being paid cash by Eric Goode during the filming of Tiger King and not one person has paid income tax on any of it and the production company did not report paying it out.
This whole story is messed up and I'm paying with my life.
Media- To schedule an interview with Joe Exotic about primates or the Primate Safety Act please contact JoeExoticTV@gmail.com