Key Issues Identified in the Case of Joe Exotic

Key Issues Identified in the Case of Joe Exotic


Kash Patel
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.

March 3, 2025
Kash Patel Director of FBI

I listened to most of your hearing a few weeks ago and a few things stood out in some of your responses that I would like to publicly ask you about.

My name is Joseph Maldonado, aka Joe Exotic, the Tiger King.  I am currently in federal prison in the Fort Worth Medical Center as an innocent man.

I will explain why I am innocent, but first let me just point out some things you said:

That no citizen should have the FBI weaponized against them, and no citizen should have to feel the pain from that, whether it be mental or financial.

That the corruption within the FBI is out of control and that you were not going to stand for it.

Well, have been in prison going on 7 years, just trying to get an appeal to show the new evidence that the entire world has seen, which proves I am innocent.

I have lost 55 years of hard work to build my own business including my home and my clothes all due to two corrupt FBI agents, a federal wildlife service agent named Matthew Bryant, along with their partner in crime, Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Green, who is now a federal judge.

Located on my website is all of the video confessions from the conmen that the FBI and FWS used to create the crime they charged me with.  There are affidavits of the felons confessing to perjury admitting they lied under Oath. Also, their original plot was to kill me first.

A former special agent and supervisory special agent of the FBI who now conducts investigations and collects intelligence provided us with a report on his investigation of how the FBI misconduct tainted my entire case.  His entire Veracity firm is made up of FBI agents, intelligence analysts and law enforcement and they specialize in criminal, counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence investigations. 

Veracity Intelligence & Investigations Comprehensive report on my case and the misconduct of the agents involved  

As you may have seen, the FBI and FWS were more interested in filming for Netflix's "Tiger King" than in finding justice. I am a former police chief at the age of 19 and have never had as much as a speeding ticket in my life.

On the evidence link on you will see text messages from the agents indicating that they knew their witnesses were lying, hiding text messages from the agents which completely verifies that they knew their witnesses were lying, hiding evidence, and fabricating evidence in order to create this crime.

Also, a former Secret Service agent, now a private investigator by the name of Jim Rathman, has publicly investigated my case on his podcast. 

Jim Rathmann investigated the entire case and concluded that that I did nothing wrong and that the agents were out of line, asserting that anything I said was freedom of speech.

President Trump is deporting illegals convicted of horrible crimes like sex trafficking and rape by the thousands. But the two FBI agents involved in my case, FWS agent, and Amanda Green covered up the evidence that their witnesses used to create this crime, which involved heavy participation in sex trafficking of over 75 young Asian girls and the rape of others, not to mention bank fraud, identity theft, and credit card fraud.

The 27 page identify fraud scheme evidence is at this link

Why can corrupt agents and prosecutors allow such crimes in order to pursue a personal agenda??

I am a political prisoner in America for the Big Cat Safety Act, which Kamala Harris bragged about on her X account, encouraging everyone to go watch Tiger King because she sponsored that bill, which was nicknamed The Tiger King bill.

Sadly to say, this was all done to me under the first Trump Administration because they had him so busy with the impeachments and the fake Russian hoax that they slid this by while no one was paying attention.

The last question is: how can a so-called hitman get on world television and admit he made this all up to put me in prison?  He even took my attorney and the film crew to my old zoo and show them where he hid a murder weapon to kill me first:

Allen Glover Discusses Murder Plot to Kill Joe Exotic

NOT ONE CHARGE HAS BEEN FILED for perjury or conspiracy to commit murder? Is it because the FBI and DOJ don't want egg on their face?

Allen Glover admits to perjury in affidavit

The way they attacked you Mr. Patel was unfair. The lack of respect our politicians have for people willing to take on a job no one else would want is unbelievable. I congratulate you on holding your own. It seems President Trump, you, and I all have some of the same connections.

Laura Loomer has done many interviews with me and she has never done anything but show me the respect of an innocent man- that the system turned against me to move a private agenda.

Your attention to these agents and prosecutors would save my life.

Both of my parents have died since being in prison and now I am fighting cancer in here, and all I want is justice.

Finally, I ask you: how does the FBI or any agent conduct an investigation without ever talking to or interviewing the subject? I was indicted, arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced, and to this day NOT ONE law enforcement person has ever asked me a question or wanted to hear my side of the story.

 What does that tell you?

Look at the evidence and ask President Trump to sign my clemency application on file: number #С308172. 


Joseph Maldonado
aka Joe Exotic
FMC Fort Worth
PO Box 15530
Fort Worth TX 76119

Joe Exotic Letter to Kash Patel March 3, 2025

Full meeting between Agent Bryant and Jeff Lowe

Lengthy Discussion between Jeff Lowe and Special Agent Matt Bryant

Jeff Lowe Records Agent Bryant

Matt Bryant visits Jeff Lowe, discusses investigation jokes about Allen

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