Joe Exotic It's Truth Time

Joe Exotic It's Truth Time

March 18, 2025


Today in the News KDVR Nate Belt out of Denver Colorado put out a news story about a wolf sanctuary out of Colorado called W.O.L.F Sanctuary that had taken in a wolf from me- Joe Exotic and went on to explain that this so called wolf was smuggled to my zoo in Wynneood Oklahoma in order to pull on heart strings and raise money under false pretense.

This is exactly why they had to put me in Prison, and I am talking about the Former Director of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Dan Ash, his rouge Agent Matthew Bryant along with Big Cat Rescue, Kamala Harris and PeTA, The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Why did they need me to shut up and put in prison? Because I was exposing these very scams such as this wolf story out of Colorado. You see, I was about the only upfront and honest person in this business. Yes, up until 2016 I sold tiger cubs because it was legal and I never sold one to a private home. Everyone was a USDA licensed exhibitor, zoo or sanctuary and let me tell you how many sanctuaries bought baby tigers so they could put in the press and on their websites that they rescued that baby tiger from a nasty roadside zoo in order to raise tens of thousands of dollars on a cub they purchased.

After February of 2016 I no longer owned that zoo. Jeff Lowe did so what was done after that was his dealings, his bank account and I am in prison for his criminal enterprise because he worked with Agent Bryant, PeTA and Big Cat Rescue to shut me up.

Why did he get a free pass from the Department of Justice is yet to be told, but it will come out at some point.

About this wolf. I moved nearly all the animals in my possession off the zoo before I left in June of 2018. In 2018 I was called to Minnesota to rehome 26 hybrid wolves, these are wolves mixed with dogs. Once we got the wolves to my zoo in Oklahoma the Animal Legal Defense Legue wanted the wolves because they were in legal litigation with the owners in MN. The offered to buy them from me and move them to the Lockwood Animal Rescue in Venture California. (A copy of the $12,000.000 check is included along with their contact on strict confidentiality) to keep it a secret that they paid for these 26 wolves.

Also, I can assure you that not one wolf went to Colorado to the W.O.L.F. Sanctuary in Colorado and to prove that, ask them for the transfer papers and remind them it is illegal to falsify paperwork, because they don't have any transfer papers from the GW Zoo to their sanctuary.

Why did they pay for them? To make a fake rescue story for tv called "Wolves and Warriors" by Warner Brothers which aired in 2018.

The Lockwood Sanctuary was so professional at collecting wolves that they killed one adult black male wolf  just trying to load it. The best part is my own film crew has this all on video to expose the truth when my new show comes out called "The Return of Joe Exotic".

 People and the Government forgot that I filmed 24 hours a day 7 days a week at that zoo in Oklahoma and there is so much more truth to the story which will also expose NetFlix and Royal Goode Productions producer Eric Goode. We have video proof of him paying people during my trial as witnesses to keep his agenda going to film Tiger King and evidence of his witnesses admitting to rape and sex trafficking, bank fraud and identity theft.

The Exotic Animal business is not full of animal abuse, it is full of nonprofit scammers and I will continue to be the voice of truth even from prison.

This is what goes on in the animal sanctuary rescue business everyday, even Carole Baskin herself got caught lying about a baby tiger named "Shircon" which she paid $600.00 for it from Dennis Hill and it can be seen on youtube saying it was a rescue and could barely walk when she rescued it. Even Channel 10 news out of Tampa Florida exposed her. But this goes on daily and as I was exposing this corruption and breeding tiger and lion cubs it was ruining their rescue stories and costing them millions in donations because people were learning that this business was all a scam.

The purpose of the Big Cat Safety Act that former Vice President Kamala Harris sponsored for Carole Baskin was to exempt only Carole Baskins Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries and Dan Ash's Association of Zoo's and Aquariums.

Now in America they are the only two organizations that can have Big Cats. Their plan with primates is in the works using a law called the Primate Safety Act which I am fighting to stop also. I just need Congress to hear this story and look at the emails from the ALDF, the checks written to make a fake rescue tv show, and the proof that all of the government witnesses have since admitted to perjury in my case and a plot to kill me located

I am asking Elon Musk to put a stop to nonprofit scams for profit and President Trump to pardon me or commute my sentence and allow me to go home based on all of this evidence.

Joseph Maldonado
aka Joe exotic


Joseph Maldonado
aka Joe Exotic
FMC Fort Worth
PO Box 15530
Fort Worth TX 76119

Wolf Rescue and Reimbursement Agreement Lockwood Animal Rescue Center

Joe Exotic It's Time For Truth Press Release 3.18.2025

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